“Action Point” At the Maya

So, weird movie, but at least it tried to have a plot. And the actors weren’t all beautiful, which I praise highly. In nature, beautiful people occur very rarely, and I believe films should reflect this. The homely mass of Man has character, at least. Let’s be rid of (most of) these plastic pretty people.

That said, Action Point yanked some chains hooked to my nausea center.

The Measurement Problem

It is said that the quantum mechanical waveform does not collapse until it is observed. This waveform is taken as a physical reality, and our eyes therefore sweep out a cone of determinism as we brush our teeth – if we watch what we’re doing.

Could it be however that this waveform is only a mathematical description of our knowledge of tiny systems? That in fact, reality knows what it’s doing, but, we don’t? The crawdad pictured above wasn’t apparent to me until I hovered my phone above it, then it sprang out, claws a-waving – Schrodenger’s crawdad is alive, and he’s MAD.

He (It? She?) wasn’t waiting on me to bother him in order to exist. Similarly, I posit that today’s physicists are a bit up their own bums regarding quantum mechanics. When you measure an electron’s spin, you’re collapsing the waveform of *your knowledge* of its spin. What is really going on, when you’re not observing it, is like asking what the ketchup sings to the pickles when the refrigerator door is closed. So get off your high horse, psychedelically speaking, physicists. Smh.